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Thursday, May 16, 2013

There is Always a Beginning

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who grew up between cultures. (That's me!) Although she learned how to adapt, she still feels a bit like a fish out of water. The dreams she held onto as a young girl went away for awhile, replaced by sensible plans that work in "the real world."

Cynicism kills dreams, folks.

Now, ten years out of high school, my life is finding the balance between vision and pragmatism. I have my BA in English/TESL (that was my sensible plan), and now I am working on an MA in English/Creative Writing/Fiction (which is more of my dream!). I have two jobs (one full-time, one part-time) and am in grad school (part-time). This, however, is not very interesting to the casual observer, so let's move on!

I get to live with my BFFWB (best friend forever with benefits, a.k.a. my husband) and two feline hellions in a teeny tiny basement apartment in Seattle. We drink too much coffee and collect too many books, neither of which is a terrible problem as far as life choices go. I should clarify that the cats don't drink coffee, but they do love sleeping on the stacks of books that won't fit in the shelves.

Beyond all of that, I write. I am working to improve my craft and am an eager student. I have lots of ideas for stories and a trilogy of YA sci fi books that is half written and *mostly* planned out, but there are still a few wily characters that I need to settle down. (They keep doing what they want to do instead of listening to me!)

See you in cyberspace!


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