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Hi! I'm glad you clicked through to this page because I like meeting new people! Allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Ellayne Shaw, I believe in God, and I'm a writer--just not in the whole get paid to write kind of way. Yet. Still, I write.

My lovely Mister!
Photo by the talented Michael Porter
I have the privilege of working at a multicultural church in south Seattle with my husband and best friend. Honestly, I never saw myself becoming a pastor's wife--mostly because I never saw myself being anyone's wife--but it is a lot of fun. I wouldn't trade where I am for anything!

Part of the reason why I love living and working where we are is because our zipcode is the most ethnically diverse in the US! I grew up in Africa, so I like the diversity a lot. I am always discovering new shops and souks, restaurants and food trucks, and cultural events and memorable locations, and I love it! South Seattle is the first place I've lived in the US where I actually feel like I'm at home.

My first attempts!
Something that I've started doing since moving here is canning/preserving, which appeases my inner hippy. I really enjoy anything that has to do with food, so learning a new way to work with food makes me happy. So far, I've made a lot of jams--yeah homemade Christmas gifts!--but I hope to branch out into pickles soon. I also have the benefit of learning how to cook filipino food from my aunties at the church, but my lumpia are lumpier than they should be.

Pippin (left) and Rosie
The other part of our family includes two cats who could not be more different from one another. We named them after hobbits (Pippin and Rosie), and they both warm my heart and set my teeth on edge--usually not at the same time.

So what sets you apart from everyone else, dear readers? Don't feel shy! :)


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